Sent on behalf of the Tustin Host Lions Club…
Free Sight Screening on Saturday, December 12, at Columbus Tustin Middle School Activity Center
The Tustin Host Lions Club is sponsoring a free sight screening from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, December 12, at the Columbus Tustin Middle School Activity Center, 17952 Beneta Way, Tustin. Between 300 to 500 people are expected to receive free recycled eyeglasses.
The Lions Club wants families and students who are less fortunate to benefit from this program. If you know of a family that cannot afford eye care and may need it, please tell them about this program. A flyer is attached.
Please emphasize that there is no documentation required, but it is “first come, first served” so it is important to arrive on time. At some similar clinics, those arriving by late morning have had to be turned away as the numbers of people who had already registered filled the capacity of the program for the entire day.
Screenings are conducted by California Lions Friends In Sight, which has a core of well-trained volunteers. Additional volunteer eye care professionals are needed. If an eye care professional is able to volunteer between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. on December 12, they can contact Lions Club President Susie McIntosh at (714) 832-2635 or
This program is made possible by the many volunteers who work with Lions Clubs throughout Orange County and the Beightler Squires Charitable Trust.