Tustin Chamber Presents: Candidate’s Forum

The Tustin Chamber of Commerce invites you to two Candidate Forums on September 14th and October 19th from 5:00-7:00pm live streamed on YouTube! Each candidate will be given an opportunity to make a 2-minute introduction statement outlining their vision for the City of Tustin, primarily geared towards the Tustin economy. All are invited, viewing is…

Temporary Outdoor Use Permit and Grant Program

In response to the restrictions placed on indoor activities due to COVID-19 related State and County Public Health Orders, the City of Tustin is pleased to announce the launch of the Temporary Outdoor Expansion Grant Program (Program) which will provide funding to assist eligible businesses such as restaurants and retailers (including gyms) to expand their outdoor areas…

Aid for Tustin Students and Local Businesses

The following links are a series of guides to employment. With the end of the school year coming, these guides should be able to help both the college and high school graduates who depend on you as a source of career aid, while helping to boost the workforce of local businesses. Job Search App Guide – https://www.learnhowtobecome.org/career-resource-center/job-search-apps/…

City of Tustin Commences Small Business Emergency Grant Program Phase II

City of Tustin Commences Small Business Emergency Grant Program Phase II The City of Tustin has partnered with the Orange County/Inland Empire Small Business Development Center (OCIE-SBDC) to develop the Small Business Emergency Grant Program Phase II to provide vital economic support to small businesses needing assistance in overcoming the temporary loss of revenue due…