The Tustin Chamber of Commerce is selling silicone bracelets for $5 each but could save you hundreds! Thousands if you’re good.
Get your bracelets at the Chamber Office or Mrs. B’s in Old Town!
or ONLINE HERE and pick up at any of the locations above.
The Deal: Each restaurant has a great deal for you to take advantage of during Restaurant Week only! Click this Ticket link to see all the deals!
-Monday the 22nd, we will hold a Kickoff Party at 17th Street Grill!
-Thursday the 25th, we will co-host the Mayor’s Cocktail Reception, Mayor’s Dinner, & Mayor’s Dessert Party!
-After the week is over, turn in your receipts to be entered in the raffle. Two will be awarded at random. The prizes are 2 tickets to Sip Swirl & Stroll or 2 tickets to Totally Tustin.